My Why

If you have been following me, you know that I have been documenting my own children for fifteen years. Normal, daily life things that seemed completely unimportant at the time: my children jumping on the trampoline, playing football in the living room, reading a good night story together, our first ER trip, etc. When my first was born, however, I took a photo with him and my husband on Memorial Day in front of a fire truck. Memorial Day rolled around, and I did it again. For five straight years I took a very similar photo. I didn’t do it on purpose. In fact, it took me five years to even realize what I had done. Suddenly I had a yearly documentation of my family and their growth through the years. These photos, even though they are not my normal style, are some of my favorites simply because they show the clear passage of time. The first year that all three boys were standing. The year my oldest stood eye level with my husband. The year we stood in front of a truck from a different city because my husband got a new job. The year we broke our arm. This is why I take photos. This is why I want to document this time in your life. It seemed unimportant at the time, but as the years go by, those photos take on a bigger importance. That is why you need to make time to document yours now. It isn’t because you need those photos now. It is because you want them in the future.